If you think you need your wisdom teeth removed, read on to learn about what to expect.
Here you will learn about the process, recovery time, and cost so you can make an informed decision about your oral health. Also, find out how anesthesia works. Listed below are the pros and cons of wisdom tooth removal. Hopefully, you’ll find this information helpful.
When Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
Wisdom Teeth usually begin to emerge during the teen years, between age thirteen and twenty-one. Most dentists recommend having them removed before age twenty-five. If there is not enough room, and they cause pain or infection, they will need to be removed.
Procedures for Wisdom Teeth Removal
A dentist can perform a procedure to remove your wisdom teeth, and a specialist surgeon at a hospital can perform this procedure as well. To decide which procedure is right for you, your dentist will perform a thorough examination.
Your oral surgeon will also take dental X-rays to determine the location of your wisdom teeth and will explain your options for sedation. In most cases, a local
anesthetic will numb the area around the tooth, and you will be given a sedative, usually an injection into your arm.
After your wisdom tooth removal, you will experience bleeding. To reduce the bleeding, bite down on the gauze for at least 45 minutes after the procedure.
You may also use tea bags instead of gauze, as the tannic acid in tea helps form clots. You should notify your dentist if you experience heavy bleeding.
After the procedure, you may experience swelling in the face. Ice therapy can help reduce this swelling. Apply ice for 10 to 20 minutes after wisdom teeth removal to reduce swelling.
Anesthesia Options
Anesthesia options for wisdom teeth removal may vary depending on the procedure performed.
- Local anesthesia is usually safe, but it can cause some side effects, such as temporary loss of memory.
- General anesthesia numbs the entire body and doesn’t produce any side effects, but may also cause complications and risks, depending on your health history.
Your dentist will discuss your options and any risks involved with each one. Depending on your condition, you may not need any follow-up care after the procedure.
General anesthesia is usually used for more invasive surgeries, like jaw reconstruction or TMJ surgery. This type of anesthesia may be appropriate for patients with certain health conditions, such as a history of high blood pressure, heart problems, or other medical conditions.
General anesthesia is often preferred by patients with a history of medical conditions. For this type of anesthesia, you will be asleep for the entire procedure, including the postoperative recovery period.
Recovery Time After Wisdom Teeth Removal
You will experience a three to the four-day recovery period after having your wisdom teeth removed. The sockets will not fully heal for several days, but you should avoid strenuous activities and brush or chew on the affected area.
A week later, your mouth should feel normal again, but you should be careful of bruising or a dry socket. After two weeks, you may resume your regular routines. After this time, you can continue brushing and flossing. You should also complete your antibiotics unless you’re given instructions to discontinue them.
The swelling and pain will begin to subside in two to three days, but you should avoid heavy exercise and eat hard or tough foods. You will also experience some bleeding after the extraction, so be sure to give yourself enough time for the recovery process.
Your dentist will give you gauze pads to place over the extraction site for a few hours. After that, you may start eating soft solid foods. Remember, though, to stay away from chewing tough and crunchy foods for several days.
The cost of wisdom teeth extraction varies widely. Dental insurance usually covers the cost for wisdom teeth removal. You should check with your dental plan to find out if you have coverage. If you do not have dental insurance, the costs associated with the procedure can range from $225 to $640.
The costs for wisdom teeth extraction are high even without insurance, so it is recommended to get supplemental dental coverage. Some insurance providers pay for the cost of wisdom teeth extraction only if they are already impacted or causing other damage.
The staff at Casa Dental will help you maximize your benefits and ensure you get the best possible care.